Tuesday 27 December 2011

Friday 9 December 2011

Getting the Christmas Tree

Well, Christmas is round the corner but with all the financial doom and gloom in the news it can be hard to imagine a "splendid" Christmas. Times like these creativity really comes into play. Here are a few ways people are battling the recession at Christmas time.

For those who really want to "go green" why not make a glass tree? Instead of going and cutting down a tree that would help provide oxygen, go walk around the neighborhood and collect bottles. Not only are you helping the environment it would also count as community service. Win-win all around I say.

Now, I understand that part of the joy of having a real tree is that "Christmas" smell that goes along with it. Here is a simple, cheap solution. You get that pine aroma and the tree shape. Personally I think its genius.

No matter what your Christmas tree looks like, or smells like, try not to forget that Christmas has nothing to do with trees, gifts, or even food. Its all in the word. CHRISTmas.

Monday 28 November 2011

Reader Contributions

Word on my owl obsession is getting out. Look what fun photos the lovely Diyana sent me!
The owl cushion is by Donna Wilson and can be bought at John Lewis (Hint hint!). To keep your ears warm in style head to Dorothy Perkins. If you come across any owl ideas/pieces please share them by sending a quick email with a photo and link (so I can give credit where credit is due!). Its amazing how many owls are out in broad daylight these days!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Cats and Connections

Simon's Cat is just plain fun. And if you have a cat you also know that it is ABSOLUTELY true. You know what else is true? I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely young lady who had worked on the animation for Simon's Cat. Now I like it even more! Living in London never ceases to be exciting and meeting people never gets old.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Anita's Vintage Fair

Today I went to Anita's Vintage Fair at Battersea Arts Centre. There were racks of fur coats and dresses which looked like they might dissolve if you did so much as look at them. Its always interesting to imagine a time when clothes were more about luxury than practicality.

The images are of the two pieces I most wanted. The bag was real leather and from the 40's. What's not to love? With all that I try to fit in my bags I need something that has proven its strength. Maybe one day....the vest caught my eye instantly. Its so unique. Its also sheepskin lined, practical and beautiful!

The best part of the day, however, was the conversation I had with one of the stall owners. She shared the history of some of the pieces she had on show and it was easy to see her passion and enthusiasm. I spent 30 minutes just riveted, listening to her stories.

That conversation made me realise why I am working at being a journalist. Its so that I can spend my life talking to people who have something interesting to say. People are fascinating. Take some time to just listen them.

Friday 18 November 2011

Friday Friend

I don't know about you but I think there can be no better way to spend a Friday evening than with my friends Ben and Jerry. So that's exactly what I am going to do. Have a great Friday!

Thursday 17 November 2011